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iSFC Fast Fiber Fault Finder

The iSFC Fast Fiber Fault Finder is a cutting-edge solution for efficient fiber optic network troubleshooting. Our advanced iSFC transceivers transmit and receive data at the same wavelength, effectively doubling the optical fiber plant capacity.

Key Features

  • Dual Wavelength Transmission: Transmits and receives at the same wavelength to maximize fiber capacity.
  • uOTDR Mode: Automatically switches to uOTDR (optical time-domain reflectometer) mode upon data link disruption or connection failure, emitting powerful optical pulses (> +13 dBm) and detecting reflections down to -42 dBm.
  • Reliable Fault Detection: Ensures precise fault detection, enhancing network reliability and performance.
iSFC Fast Fiber Fault Finder

iSFC Fast Fiber Fault Finder

Ideal for professionals needing reliable and efficient fiber optic network troubleshooting tools, the iSFC Fast Fiber Fault Finder offers unparalleled performance and ease of use. Contact us to learn more about how this product can benefit your operations.